Design Manner

Design Manner

Design Manner featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Mandarin Debating Competiton 2016

This debating competition is held by Nanjing Audit University. Every year,many universities from different countries come to participate in this debating competition,so the designer wants to convey an enthusiastic and logic feeling from the Chinese symbol which means debate.Three basic symbols respectively symbolizing the debate between the proposition, opposition and judge was strictly organized in the box to form a Chinese character.

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Friendly Fire

Friendly Fire is a sculptural Lamp composed of 3 mortar grenades. This piece explores the industrial design of a projectile, with the intention to redefine its meaning and purpose. Made in Alabaster stone and brass plated in 24-Karat Gold, the work accurately reproduces the 80mm mortar shell grenade, one of the most commonly used projectiles in the last century.

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Dollar Chicken Rock Band

Dollar Fried Chicken is delicious and super juicy with secret sauce. The way you never tasted elsewhere. The consumers must be so touched by the wonderful taste of it. Besides that, the image of slobbery chicken is added, thus making the logo modern, fashionable, friendly and approachable.Adding dialogue elements to packaging design make a sense of reading comics when customers see the packages,also finding the resonance with the brand from consuming, and having more and more interesting interactive experiences.

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Taikin is a high-end Asian restaurant in the city of Doral, FL. The visual identity was developed through illustrations and graphic elements. The name of the restaurant is the Japanese word for “good fortune” and it’s also related to the Tanuki; an emblematic character on the Japanese mythology who represents prosperity and wealth. Based on that synergy, the concept brings to life the significance of both elements and creates the graphic story that represents it.

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Eternal Bond

Inspired by Rabindranath Tagore’s rendition of the impish yet tender bond between a mother and child in Champa Flower, a blank wall, becomes a canvas for story-telling, by transforming itself into a veritable grove of Frangipani, whose low branches evoke images of children hanging by them, or scaling the tree images of laughter and play and childish whimsy. The landscape begins at one end of the passageway and terminates at the other, with the marquetry continuing in the fore and background, with semi precious blossoms and birds ,seamlessly folding around the jambs of the fluted brass door.

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Sharaku 3

Work exhibited at the Tokyo Design Week (not a competition) specialty category "Inspire Exhibition". The category that the selected people can exhibit, this theme is "Sharaku". Sharaku is a popular illustrator with many mysteries. The mystery is interpreted freely and expressed. Making footpack socks, making picture frames like the Kabuki mirror stand, styling and make-up, Sharaku may have been a woman. Under such a concept, expressions like fashion stories are characterized. It is finished in an experimental and impacting concept.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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