Design Manner

Design Manner

Design Manner featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Creativities Unfold 2015

'Shift decode design disrupt’ is the title of Creativities Unfold 2015, the biggest creative symposium held annually in Thailand. The design team had designed the key visual, program leaflet and the whole venue for the event. Their goal was to intertwine the content of the symposium, involving Big Data, Digital Fabrication, Co-creation, with their design process, input and output. The team took and inspiration from the concept of adaptability as they created plants for the key visual of CU 2015 where each part is different in form, texture and material. The big idea was to ‘shift’ to survive.

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Optics and Chromatics

The title Optics and Chromatic refers to the debate between Goethe and Newton on the nature of colors. This debate is represented by the clash of the two letter-form compositions: one is calculated, geometric, with sharp contours, the other relies on the impressionistic play of colorful shadows. In 2014 this design served as the cover for Pantone Plus Series Artist Covers.

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TAITRA 2017 Taipei Cycle

"TAITRA-Taipei Cycle" is proudly presenting a big kaleidoscopic picture of the bicycle world, showing every possible side of the industry and the booming development. A wide-ranging of innovated services is contributing to diverse and colorful lifestyles, making Taiwan’s bicycle industry continue to shine on the international arena.

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Watson Vegan Truck

Watson Vegan Truck is a vegan food truck selling burgers on Swiss roads. Vegan products and burgers being extremely popular in recent years, the Watson Vegan Truck (in memory of Donald Watson - founder of the Vegan Society in 1944) targets vegan or flexible consumers willingly to taste vegetarian burgers. The burger dishes on the menu are named after historical figures who adopted a Vegan lifestyle.

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The 2016 Report is characterized by the use of an expressive typography, the combination of photography and magenta thread artistic submissions, the free-form layout and visible binding: everything is meant to evoke the school’s multi-disciplinary nature. The product is printed in hexachrome, using 802 and 806 Pantone Neon hues. The poster/book jacket sorts the different entries by type. The 16-page, differently sized bi-chrome insert, reports about the RUFA contest. It also contains extra digital contents, view-able via a dedicated app for smartphones or tablets.

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The primary visual element in this design system is "shield x dot," which was inspired by the logos of the two main brands, the National Football League (NFL) and the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT). The secondary element is a grey pattern consists of iconic shapes extracted from all 32 NFL team logos. The core design concept is to create a sophisticated unification of the visual identity from all organizations involved through a symphony of shapes. This event identity system was designed for the NFLxFIT Visual Identity Design Exhibition and Award Ceremony.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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